Thursday, April 10, 2014

First auspicious moment in the midst of a junior (in fact micro, the shallow end of the exploration pool) market scorched earth desert.....this will serve, I guess, as the manifesto, the raison d'etre of this blog...

Exploration is not bad.  It is not an industry run, on balance, by crooked promoters out to filch the unwary investor....exploration is a real, dynamic and innovative industry run by people who believe in what they do every day....the industry is victimized by a few who grab headlines.  But we need this industry to continue, it is the feeder system for our mining industry.  Our mining industry frames our lifestyle, if you don't grow it you mine it.  The mining industry needs the innovators, the explorers, to keep wondering if the hypothesis is real, if the deposit lurks beneath our do that this industry needs to be funded, be it by the larger mining companies, or the investor.  The larger mining companies have curtailed geopolitical events, depressed commodity prices and the curtailing of budgets due to boardroom excesses.....these are all strangling this sector of the industry.  Of course....this is a cyclical industry.  If you turn of the tap that governs project generation, the discoveries that will be mines in time....eventually you run out of those mines.....

More soon.  This blog is born of frustration that the "average joe", if he or she even exists anymore, simply doesn't understand why we explore, why we undertake the risks, and that the rewards can in fact be very real.